/ New at UNiGay

You are new here or you’ve been at the University of St. Gallen for a while, but don’t want to show up alone to one of our events? You’d like to exchange yourself with other LGBT students? No worries, you’ve come to the right place! We welcome you and are looking forward to meeting you!

After your application a member of the board will get in touch and invite you to the upcoming events. If you prefer, we'll gladly connect you to one of our existing members who will meet you outside our events, answer any questions you might have and take you to our events. Your application is not binding.

Eventhough UniGay takes a stand for being open about your sexuality in (professional) life, UniGay doesn’t force anyone out of the closet. If you feel unsure about your sexuality, feel discriminated or just don’t want to out yourself already, UniGay provides you with a discrete and trustworthy community.

Hinweis: Bitte die mit * gekennzeichneten Felder ausfüllen.

/ Membership

Do you want to join UniGay?

By becoming a member of UniGay, you support our ability to create fun and insightful events for you to join. Membership costs CHF20 per semester. If you'd like to join UniGay, please sign up in the form linked here.


We're excited to welcome you to UniGay!

Are you leaving UniGay?

No matter if your studies have ended or you're moving on from St. Gallen, we're sad to see you go. To remove you from our mailing list and put you in contact with UniGay alumni if you're interested, it would be greatly appreciated if you could fill out the form linked here.


Thank you for your time as a member of UniGay!

/ The Board


Meet the board of UniGay! Names and responsibilities in order left to right:

  • Sandro, Finances
  • Florence, Events
  • Carmen, Events/Pride Month
  • Greta, Marketing
  • Sonia, President

Would you like to get engaged at UniGay? It doesn't matter where if you're at assessment, bachelor or masters level: your engagement is very welcome at any time. Drop us a message and influence the life of LGBT+ at HSG!

/ MOre

Get to know the long history and traditions of our association:

Get to know our partners we work with:

UniGay | Dufourstrasse 50 | Postfach 20 | 9000 St. Gallen

Vereinskonto: CH4600781615777552000 | BC-Nr. 781 | St.Galler Kantonalbank | 9001 St.Gallen